STATISTICS – reflections of your true self?

Statistics are one of the many wonderful things about Daileez.

How did your mood change during the past year?
In which months did you sleep more and in which less?
How many times this past year were you in the theater, the cinema, how many times did you receive / give a gift, how many times did you play sports,...?
Was your most recent month more about fun, or work?

And much, much more useful information that maybe you didn’t even know about yourself yet.

And not only about yourself. Browse the statistics of your friends and other users.
Remember though, only those who have their accounts PUBLIC.

Monthly overviews of 4 basic parameters provide you a detailed look at their changes in the course of a selected year. A percentage value tells you about a given parameter in a given month (in a range of 0% - 100%). And if you want to know even more, just click the corresponding cell and you will immediately see the details.

The category of the month lets you know which group of your experiences was significant for the given month. Additionally you will learn not only the category, but also the icon which you voted most often in the given category. Isn't it self-reflection you were searching for?

And finally, we give you an overview of an icon in individual months. Naturally sorted by category.

So what's next? Do you like the possibility of more statistics? Or is something you want still missing after all? Our team is prepared to consider all your good ideas. Write about them to us at

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